Piaf is high-quality Tactile Graphics with high quality swell paper.
Piaf produces high quality tactile graphics using heat sensitive Tactile Magic Paper.
It is ideal for people who are blind or have low vision. Piaf’s controlled heat source causes any black lines, letters or shapes that are drawn, printed or copied onto the capsule paper to swell. The result is an instant tactile graphic.
It is especially effective when used with the Tactile Magic Paper. This paper with its superb characteristics allows the user to run it through the PIAF multiple times without compromising the quality of what has already been puffed up. This feature makes producing and handling tactile images more interactive and dynamic.
New Tangible Magic Paper will offer tactile image experience unattainable before:
- Perfect texture
- Pleasant for touch
- High resolution, clear and sharp lines
- Keeps existing puffed up lines intact even after several runs through the PIAF
- Responsive even at lower temperatures
- No issues with printing or copying
- No smell, no color change
- Never sticks or dries
Need more ideas and images?
Go to www.tactilelibrary.com and make great images with Tactile Magic Paper.
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